Your Online Maintenance Pharmacy Alternative

Up to 90% Plus Savings On Medicine Brands Equivalent. Prompt On Demand  & Free Delivery Options. Maintenance Medicine Subscription Plans.

“I have been diagnosed with a heart disease and was about to undergo a bypass surgery if not for the pandemic which suspended all PhilHealth benefits except Covid cases. As a temporary relief I am now taking medications related to my heart problem. A total of 7 prescription drugs and 11 tablets and capsules daily. I used to get all my meds from the known drugstores and spending about 6,200/mo. Until I ran into a brother in the community who introduced me to XalMeds. I gave them my prescription and upon checking has 5 out of the seven drugs. Comparing prices, I save about 62% from my previous cost. But more importantly the quality are comparable to what I used to get. 

Hermes Cabansay
Lic. Real Estate Broker
“I was scrolling through my FB and came across the ad for Xalmeds. With the cost of my maintenance meds for diabetes and CAD almost a third of my salary, I thought of giving them a try. I was surprised by how low their prices were plus my senior discount, some meds were practically free. Delivery was speedy as well. I would not hesitate to recommend Xalmeds.”
Jevic Villamor
Cebu City

“Before xalmeds we have to personally go  to the pharmacy but now we have just to order online then it will be delivered to our house especially during the pandemic we couldn’t go out since we belong to the age bracket not allowed so with their delivery service it became very convenient for us to have our maintenance meds. Plus great savings we got compared to our usual budget for medicines while the medicines is as effective and potent in treating our symptoms.”

Ida Opura
Cebu City


XalMeds is a registered and licensed online ordering and delivery drugstore with FDA License to Operate No. 3000005768865 operating out of it’s main office in Cebu with deliveries nationwide. It is the retail arm of Xulbara Health Solutions OPC, an FDA licensed pharmaceuticals, food supplements and medical devices importer and wholesaler dedicated to online ordering and quick delivery service for your easy accesibility and convenience directly sourcing from manufacturers and fellow importers, operating lean and mean making our medicine prices lower if not lowest to pass on the savings to our valued customers.

Headquartered In Cebu City And Serving Nationwide:

XalMeds Block 5 Lot 33 Deca Homes

Ordering online is 24/7 serving nationwide with local quick deliveries option now available in Metro Cebu and Metro Manila through partner local pharmacies following the schedule below:

